Wednesday, October 23, 2013

AATC: Photographers & Dancers

My two careers are Photographers & Dancers which says them in the title. In the Photographer people photograph other people, landscapes, merchandice, or other things, using a digital or film cameras. In the tasks they take pictures of individuals, families, & small groups, either in their studio or on location. It doesn't say what the percentage is for the Education but the highest is High School Diploma or Equivalent. The projected growth is Average. The U.S. wage is $66,990, & the state I chose is New York the wage is $43,930. The other career is Dancers, the job title is Perform dances. May perform on stage, for an-air broadcasting, or video recording. For tasks they train, exercise, & attend dance classes to maintain high levels of technical proficiency, physical, physical ability, & physical fitness. Education is 47% Less than High School Diploma, 35% High school Diploma or Equivalent, last is 14% Bachelors Degree. The projected growth is Average, the U.S. wage is $25,340, the state I chose is Illinois the wage is $10,370.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

True Colors

My primary color is Blue because I am a very kind person. My other colors are Gold, Orange, & Green, which you guys should know, the numbers are 12. Weird how they are all the same, I was surprised myself, HaHa. I am a blue since I am very kind like I said before, I would do anything to make that person that is not that happy, happy. I am kinda Orange since I need to have fun to be very happy & energetic. I am Gold because I follow the rules weird as it sounds I haven't been grounded for 8 years. I am green since I help my mom plant vegetables & I hunt. Now you know my True Colors.

Friday, October 18, 2013

True Colors

Today we searched a True Colors assessment for teachers & friends. For teachers I chose Mrs. Howard, Mr. Boyars, Mrs. Pittenger, & Mr. Smith. Mrs. Howard is Blue, Green, & orange. She is these colors three colors because she is cheerful, cares about the environment, & gets kinda angry if people don't do what they are supposed to do. For Mr. Boyars I chose Blue & gold I chose these colors for him because he helps people who don't know what to do & he is very cheerful & doesn't get angry easily. The third teacher I chose is Mrs. Pittenger, she is Gold, Green, & Orange. She is hard working, she cares about the environment, & if no one follows the directions she gets angry & kicks the person out of cooking & sends them back to their seat. The last teacher I chose is Mr. Smith, He is Blue & Gold because he doesn't yell at the student who isn't doing their work & he helps the person who doesn't understand their work get better at it. For my friends I chose Cameron, he is Blue & Gold because in times when he is angry he doesn't yell he just stays quiet or walks away, for gold in times that are tough he just stands tall & walks on. Kirsten is Blue, Gold, Orange, & Green, she is very enthusiastic, hardworking, gets angry sometimes, & cares for the environmetn. The second person I chose is Jon, he is Blue & Gold, he is very fun to be with & sometimes he gets angry but he doesn't show it. The last person I chose is Beth she is Blue, Orange, & Gold, she is very cheerful when I am around her & some of her friends, she is hardworking when she is in band, & sometimes she gets angry but stops when I walk up to her. =P

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My Career Descriptions,Skills, & Education

In my two Business Managment & Administration careers: Logisticians & File Clerks we have to tell about the skills, description, & education. In Logisticians they have to analyze & coordinate the logistical functions of a firm or organization. In skills they have to have English Language, Customer & Personal Service, Computers & Electronics, & Administration. In education the percentage said "Not available" the most is Bachelor's Degree, second-Doctoral or Professional Degree, & third-Associate's Degree. In File Clerks description it had, File correspondence, cards, invoices, receipts, & other records in the alphabetical or numerical or according to the filling system used. Locate & remove material from file when requested. The skills were Reading, Comprehension, Active Listening, Speaking, Critical Thinking, Time Management, & Writing. Education 48% High School Diploma or Equivelant, 40% Associates Degree, 12% Some College, No Degree.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My style Visuale and Auditory

My style is Visual & auditory. What my style means to me is that I am a seeing type of person I like to see or read what I need to know. I am also Auditory because I also need to hear what is going on around me. My visuals don't impact how I learn, I am ok with how I learn. How I might use my learning style in the years above Freshman year is I will stay Visual and Auditory, I will stay how I am & keep up with how I do.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Career's :Roofers, & Wind Turbine Service Technicians

In the Roofers job all you have to do is fix roofs of houses, trailers, & other buildings. If you don't fix these roofs the houses will leak & you might be fired. You will need to bring your own equipment it won't be there waiting for you. If you don't like being in the rain you will have to get used to it, you will have to work on a roof so the house or other building won't leak. In Wind Turbine Service Technicians (WTST) you have to fix a broken turbine you don't have to take it down just climb up it & fix the engine. If you don't like hights don't do this job. If the engine doesn't work & can't be fixed then you will have to make an order for a new one. When you get it ordered you have to climb up with a the engine & install it. The wind turbine is important because it is used for electricity for the city that they are wired to. These jobs are important because they are important to the society. If we didn't have these jobs most of the city won't have electricity & most of the houses will have holes in them that won't keep water out.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Manicurist & Pedicurist & Fashion Designer

I chose two non-normal career cluster's for a male. I chose Manicurist & a Pedicurist, the job for a Manicurist & Pedicurist is to clean & shape customers' fingernails & toenails. They may polish or decorate your nails. Thats if you choose to have your nails done. The places where you can get a Manicure & a Pedicure is a salon & a beauty Salon. The second job that is not normal is a Fashion Designer. In this job you, design clothing & accessories. Create original design or adapt fashion trends. The clusters that have similarities is that they both have to do with fashion. Fashion Designer & Manicurists & Pedicurists both have accessories, in toenails they might have lil fake jewels & the same in clothes.