Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Government & Public Administrations

The two careers I chose were Tax Preparers & Assessors. They are both the same since they both involve TAXES!!!!!! They both have the same Work Values, Interests, Work Styles. They both have Conventional, Enterprising, & Investigative in Interests. In working Styles have Integrity, Attention to Detail, Self Control, Dependability, Stress Tolerance, & Achievement. In the job they both open taxes to view them to see who has to pay their taxes for cars, houses, & other things. In tools & technology they both need computers, notebook's, & Adding Machines. For on the job training they both need One or Two years of on-the-job training.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you show so much excitement in your post, but, you need to add more detail. :)
